«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Anastasia Belkina, Irina Nikitina


G. Simon was one of the first to mention the most important integrative role of communications in management, calling them, along with decision-making and balance of goals, the most important connecting process in the organization. This conclusion fully applies to communications in the system of state and municipal government, which include communications within the state body, within the system of state and municipal government, the system of interaction between government and society. It is safe to say that the improvement of the communication subsystem is a necessary condition for the successful functioning of the system of state and municipal government, the most important factor in improving its efficiency. The effectiveness of government directly depends on the effectiveness of communications, on how successfully overcome barriers and obstacles that hinder mutual understanding and cooperation, how is reliable and complete management information [1].

The communicative subsystem includes a set of connections, conscious interactions, relationships in the system of state and municipal government, it is a space of connections in which state bodies and local self-government bodies are formed, function and develop. Communicative subsystem of state and municipal management - a set of state and municipal information, information flows as a means of ensuring coherence in management, interaction between government and administration, as well as between government and society. The interaction of government and society is of paramount importance in this subsystem, because it is these communications that form the feedback of the system of state and municipal government.

The system of interaction between government and civil society is the basis of state and municipal government. Its legal basis is the constitutional provision that the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power is the people. The system of interactions functions as different institutions of the state and society. Power in a democratic society must be derived from the needs and requirements of various segments of society. Involvement of all social groups and strata in the process of public administration, accounting and coordination of the interests of all current actors - the strategy of democratization and the humanistic component of public reform [2, p.16-17]. .

Various institutions of civil society - intermediaries acting between the government and the population, can be described as institutions of political mediation. It is through the institutions of political mediation that civil society influences the administration. There are several types of communication mechanisms of society`s influence on management.

The main mechanism of influence is through a legitimately functioning political system, participants in the political process who have legal recognition in the state and use legal means of influence.

Another type of public influence on public administration is through informal organizations, specially created groups to put pressure on the government, lobby and achieve their interests.

The mechanism of citizens` appeal to the authorities, participation of citizens in the discussion of state decisions and evaluation of the activity of the authorities plays a significant role. This mechanism is still very underdeveloped in Ukraine.

On the other hand, the main directions of state influence on society are:

  • State regulation of economic processes, which may be in line with protectionist policies or policies to stimulate competition. Issues of state regulation of the economy affect the interests of many circles and social groups.
  • The sphere of distribution of economic resources, where interest groups have great opportunities to influence, presenting their projects and supporting them with resources.
  • Sphere of redistribution of economic resources. Theoretically, it is here that interest groups should be able to influence government decisions [3].

Methods of influence include:

  • sending written comments on a specific decision;
  • participation in open discussions;
  • participation in advisory committees of departments;
  • forming coalitions with other firms and organizations;
  • organization of group members or employees for direct participation in rule-making;
  • informal contacts with officials before the official release of the draft decision;
  • submission of petitions with a request to start rule-making;
  • informal contacts with officials after the publication of the draft decision, etc [4].

Thus, the new concepts of state and municipal governance («public management»; «democratic governance») for all their differences provide, above all, a revision of the ideology of interaction with the population: the welfare of the population and meeting its needs are now understood as a priority and municipal authorities. This requires, on the one hand, the establishment of effective feedback from the population, the expansion and development of external communications of the authorities, on the other - the restructuring of activities within the organizations themselves. Although the principles of classical governance remain a priority for the executive branch, they need to be substantially supplemented by new governance models.

Ключові слова

social communications, public administration, municipal administration, state institutions, communication subsystem, communication channels


  1. Bazhynova O. A. Mekhanizmy komunikatsiyi vlady ta hromadsʹkosti v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi. URL: http://www.kbuapa.kharkov.ua/e-book/putp/2012- 4/doc/4/06.pdf
  2. Berezenko, V.V. Stan politychnoho PR v Ukrayini: sotsialʹno-komunikatsiynyyaspekt [Tekst]: / V.V. Berezenko // Derzhava ta rehiony. – Zaporizhzhya: HUZIDMU, 2012. – S. 16- 31.
  3. Dyehtyar O. A. Informatsiyno-komunikatyvnadiyalʹnistʹ v derzhavnomuupravlinniyakinstrumentintensyfikatsiyisotsialʹnohopartnerstva/ URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=623
  4. Zv‘yazky z hromadsʹkistyu v orhanakh derzhavnoyi vlady ta orhanakh mistsevoho samovryaduvannya. URL : https://www.google.com.ua/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved= 0ahUKEwjL8vCQu8jNAhUkMJoKHV-FCDIQFggcMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.center.gov.ua