«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Данило Копестинський, Павло Попович


Increased competition between national and transnational educational service providers has helped to increase alternatives for potential consumers. Now Ukrainian higher education establishment compete for the applicants not only among themselves, they also compete with EU and US educational institutions. In Ukraine, the challenges of globalization, the emergence of new superpowers in the world, the spread of scientific and technological progress, the Bologna Process, the Lisbon Plan of Action in Europe are accompanied by specific challenges of the national environment: strengthening societal requirements for universities; increasing the cost of research and teaching in universities; reduction of state funding of universities; development of new information and communication technologies (equipment and software, Internet, electronic libraries, open training courses, etc.).

The situation with the labour market for the graduates is nearly catastrophic in Ukraine. The highest competition in the market is observed among managers, lawyers, financiers and accountants, students (with a competition of 5 job seekers per job) and procurement specialists. Thus, there is a problem of exceeding the supply of graduates of educational institutions over the demand for them in the labour market. The greatest demand remains for skilled blue-collar workers, professionals, workers of the simplest professions in trade, services, industry, construction, transport, etc., workers for maintenance, operation and control of technological equipment, assembly of equipment and machinery. Thus, a significant proportion of graduates of "popular" areas of training (mainly economic and legal specialties) cannot be employed in the specialty due to the lack of vacancies in the national labour market.

Current trends in the markets of educational services and labour in Eastern Europe and Ukraine are similar, but in Ukraine they have specifics. The most significant challenges for non-profit organizations in the field of education and research in Ukraine are financial, demographic, market, the challenge of globalization, technology. The challenges affect different levels of education to different degrees, as, for example, higher education has a more competitive environment, is more autonomous, and after the entry into force of the new Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" such autonomy will expand and strengthen public control over service quality.

Thus, in Ukraine there is a clear imbalance between the scale of activities and the amount of funding. The most intense competition for public funding, applicants and highly qualified researchers is among universities. The decline in public funding raises the issue of diversification of funding sources. This requires educational and research institutions to be more open to the operating environment, to be more market-oriented. We also confirmed the conclusion that the system of higher education in Ukraine retains the priority of functioning over development, which threatens the achievement of social goals and deepens the problem of insufficient quality of domestic educational services, ie, there is a conflict of goals and actions. The issue of the quality of higher education in Ukraine is relevant and is deepened by extremely small steps towards the Bologna Process, the structural disparity between the demand for labor and its supply in Ukraine. This, in turn, is a factor that limits both the employment opportunities of the unemployed and the satisfaction of employers' needs for workers.

The results of the study confirmed the need to pay attention to the quality of educational services, and also found that the Ukrainian sphere of education and research, in contrast to the challenges of Eastern Europe, is characterized by competition for funds and consumers, i.e. if the education sector paradigm, then for educational institutions of Ukraine - the financial paradigm. The theoretical significance and importance of the results is that they allowed to identify areas of marketing of non-profit education and research, identified the need for a financial paradigm, because the financial challenge is the most tangible for the education system.

It should be expected that in the future the competition in the field of educational services of Ukraine will intensify even more, due to globalization, demographic situation, the influence of large universities will increase, the integration of educational institutions will increase. From these positions, the marketing of education and research is an important tool for improving educational alternatives for target consumers (through improving the quality and diversity of services), liberalizing the market of educational services, strengthening the financial capacity of educational institutions. Thus, modern challenges highlight the need to intensify the process of marketing the domestic non-profit sphere of education and research, taking into account the specifics of the domestic marketing environment.

Ключові слова

marketing trends; higher education; education market; higher education establishment


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