«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

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Анастасія Синицька


The present universe is a conversation between different nations, peoples, countries. Theirindependent formation is characterized by an orientation towards an ever greater riseinternational cooperation The impartial need for its formationdictated by the aggravation of mass tasks (the threat of self-destructioncivilization as a result of a probable nuclear incident, fightingfinancial underdevelopment in the world, ensuring sound applicationnatural resources, the formation of information, trade exchange, destabilizationinternational relations and the rise of terrorism), which appeared before the population of the earth in2 half of XX - early XXI century.And to overcome these difficulties is possible onlywith joint and coordinated work of countries on the basis of generally acceptedand the basics of international law

Working within the framework of multilateral agreements with international organizations allows to actively participate in the negotiation process, to attract economic support for the conclusion of the necessary internal environmental objectives.

The leading areas of cooperation with international organizations are:

  • biodiversity protection service;
  • service for protection of transboundary watercourses and international lakes;
  • climate change;
  • ozone layer protection service;
  • air protection service;
  • waste management;
  • environmental impact assessment.

In the dictionary of advanced opinions and decisions under joint editing V.A. Makarenko, the term "international" is interpreted as related to relationsbetween foreign policy countries.

As for the term "cooperation", in the dictionary of the Russian languageedited by EP Yevgenyeva, it is interpreted as a joint activity, and underimplementation of cooperation, in turn, means the implementation of anyactivities together with someone

Characterizing international cooperation, O.S. Proskurin made a proposal for its proper definition: ― direction and degree of formation of the system international relations, characterized by a constant purposeful and coordinated by the members themselves the development of international relations in various spheres and international life ”.According to him, with which it is impossible not to agree, ― international cooperation is considered the only meaningful candidate for international confrontation, It is following in the footsteps of "politics of power" and "balance of power" in international relations and is formed as a consequence of consolidating mutual understanding and mutual trust between countries on the basis of formation and purposeful holding them foreign policy, based on the concept of common interests.

Analyzing this idea, we can conclude that the soil permanent purposeful and coordinated international cooperation should be just the unity of municipal interests as the main point of its emergence and becoming. It is footsteps to emphasize that in the science of international law statements on this view had space before. Yes, V. Moravetsky, studying the issue struggle and cooperation as reflective types of international relations the opposite or balance of municipal interests, fixed that. Cooperation relations should be based on the balance of interests countries.

The boundaries and the level of balance of interests of countries determine the boundaries and the level of possible cooperation between them. Probable different faces and different the level of such a balance of interests. This is the concept of correlation interests in a broader sense encompasses narrower commonalities and coincidences of interests. The concept of common interests refers to relations between countries with high degree of homogeneity of the socio-economic system, ideology, political goals, etc. In this case, in cases where their interests will be united, the countries will show solidarity and unity of interests.

Community of interest refers to relations between countries with the highest degree of homogeneity of the socio-economic system, ideology, political goals, etc. In this case, in cases where their interests will become united, countries will show solidarity and unity of interests. Dissimilar and sovereign countries tend to want the greatest achieving personal political and financial gain, only if necessary taking into account the interests of other countries, expressing doubts about infliction on their part harm in return. The balance of interests in these criteria has the potential to be the appearance faster opportunistic, due to the fact that the key task is to achieve the greatest benefits to individual countries - states - introduces it to the position of the incident. As a consequence of this, most of all applicable to determine such a conjuncture balance of interests the concept of coincidence of interests is seen. The concept of coincidence of interests all the more approaches relations between countries with different socio-economic systems.

A. A. Maevskaya, considering the concept of municipal interests in the international right, that, in fact, that attention can be qualified as a conscious need. Necessities they are guided by internal and external criteria for their existence, these, for example, as features of the geographical location, land size, resource wealth, degree industrialization, agricultural productivity, state composition public, historical habits, space in the system of international relations.Everything these moments impartially determine the needs of the country and determine its interests. The interests of countries inevitably coincide and collide. There is no in the world 2 countries, whose interests are certainly similar.

Therefore, we can formulate the following definition. International cooperation - regular purposeful and coordinated joint activities participants in international public relations, carried out on the basis of universally recognized principles and norms of international law and directed coordination of their interests in order to achieve common goals.

Ключові слова

international cooperation; common interests; the concept of coincidence of interests


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