«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Anna Mul


With the development of the effectiveness of various social activities of man, the process of his socialization is constantly improving. Especially at its core are the factors that increase the effectiveness of joint actions. Compared with the joint efforts of other species, joint actions have become a conscious and purposeful process.The information content of modern life actively stimulated the expansion of public and interpersonal communication, also determined the development of the socio-humanistic sphere, contributed to the emergence of new social initiatives, the development of socio-cultural processes. It should be noted that it is not only about production and transformation activities related to the environment, but also about the formation of social internal organization, social spirit and cultural fields.

In general, the general evolutionary model of modern civilization, the improvement of social structure, the exchange of information that is inseparable from these processes, and the development of horizontal forms of social networks - all this was particularly active and evident in radical regions. in recent decades. Social changes, including the new Ukrainian state.In the political field, Ukraine’s one-party system has been replaced by a whole range of political parties, public associations, and movements that must objectively create conditions for multiple opportunities to solve the problems facing Ukraine and actively pursue their own interests. In the economic sphere, state property and agricultural collective management during the period of socialist development lost their traditional monopoly status, and were replaced by various forms of market activity, which was also reflected in informatization. Domain, national information space.

The process of public informatization has significantly accelerated the process of structural transformation of modern society. They have also become a powerful catalyst for social activity in the information sphere, they use the established system of social communication not only as a social tool, but also to provide socially significant information for all elements of the social structure from top to bottom. to the bottom of the information. The level of organization and management of social activities takes each member of society as an object of informational influence, and in the opposite direction. At the same time, the exchange of public information is established for the survival and development of society.

Since the beginning of this century, a system of social information networks for service according to the methodology of CSRP (CUSTOMERSYNCHRONIZED RESOURCEPLANNING) - the planning of resources synchronized with the buyer when using Internet intranet technologies. Social information communications of this period develop in the following directions:

- maximum use of the potential of the PC and the environment of distributed data processing;

- modular construction of the system (combination of different types of architectural solutions within one complex);

- saving system resources by centralizing storage and data processing at higher levels of the system;

- availability of effective centralized means of network system administration.

In accordance with the growing social needs associated with the increase in the number of Ukrainian citizens participating in the informatization process, first in economic and then in other areas of public activity, diversified electronic information systems, including social networks, began to be created. "... What we see in our society is the development of a communication hybrid that combines physical location and network location as a material support for network individualism. According to the Ukrainian GFK, InMind and the Ukrainian Internet Association UNIAN , the number of Internet users in 2013 in the first quarter of 2012 was 17.34–19.7 million (43% of the population of Ukraine), compared to 15.4 million in the first quarter of 2012. In the first quarter of 2013 79% of the country's computer connections to the Internet (fixed connection. Language), in 2012 this figure was 75%, in 2011 - 70%.

Characteristics of the development of social informatization The communication associated with these processes is that as the vertical components improve to facilitate the exchange of information with the management structure, the horizontal components also develop. This is due to the development of commercial information between businesses without direct government intervention. In addition, the information industry itself is gaining momentum. In modern electronic information practice Technology attracts the attention of people, in fact most people Computers, most computer centers around the clock Use only a few percent of their power, only occasionally Perform tasks that require high energy.

In the process of improving the Ukrainian state over the past two decades, the requirements for the system of social information communications have acquired a qualitatively new content, related to the need to improve the process of producing resources to service the information vertical of government bodies and local self-government. With the development of electronic information technologies as a full-fledged, and today already the leading mechanism of information exchanges in the national information space, the following main trends in information services for power structures are becoming clear:

- organization of electronic management;

- development of technologies for cooperation with management structures of information, information and analytical structures involved in production, organization of structuring, storage, analysis and preparation for the effective use of socially important information resources.

Also noteworthy is the fact that library institutions, like all other subjects of the information process in society, in parallel with the development of the system of vertical information exchanges are actively developing their horizontal component. Thus, the evolution of technical and technological base of informatization, development of the system, first of all electronic, social communications promotes access of citizens to information resources, independent use of available and production of new information and by that expands possibilities of free development and self-affirmation of the modern person.

Ключові слова

social networks; information communications; development; tool of mutual influence; Information technologies


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