«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Iryna Lysenko


In Ukraine, many companies are slow to improve technology and organization of production, rarely upgrade equipment and do not always have enough money to buy a new one. Despite the great production potential of domestic enterprises, the output of competitive products is growing at a slow pace. This does not allow to expand markets and increase sales. As a result, we have small profits and small contributions to the country's economic development.

Therefore, it is necessary to significantly accelerate the process of creation and introduction into production of modern products, in a short time to achieve maximum production of innovative goods and services.

The solution to this problem is facilitated by regular reconstruction of enterprises and modernization of production. One of the forms of intensification of this extremely important process is marketing activities.

Today, the role and importance of marketing activities in this process are underestimated. It is during the design and implementation of reconstruction at the enterprise, marketing activities are carried out most fully and profitably. Therefore, in every enterprise it should be an important component of the innovative development process [3-5].

Issues of organization of marketing activities at enterprises are considered in the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists: G. Armstrong, G. Gerasimchuk, E. Jackson, V. Ilchuk, F. Kotler, J. Lamben, B. Manfred, G. Maslov, O. Mozgov. , A. Pavlenko, M. Porter and others [1-3].

At the same time, scientific works do not sufficiently reveal the role, significance and features of innovative aspects of marketing activities in the reconstruction of enterprises and modernization of production.

World experience shows that to increase the competitiveness of certain products, the development of leading industries, a significant role is played by the use of innovations in marketing activities. In a competitive environment, the successful operation of enterprises is possible only if regular product and production updates.

An important role in solving this problem belongs to the marketing department of the enterprise, which should be carried out in close connection with the reconstruction of enterprises and modernization of production.

Successful use of innovative marketing tools, in particular crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, will provide a number of advantages in the work of enterprises, namely:

- will provide an opportunity to more actively attract domestic and foreign investment;

- stimulate the development of production and social infrastructure;

- rational use of raw materials;

- stimulate the development of related industries;

- increase the competitiveness of manufactured products;

- to improve professional training with the help of the latest standards of the quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000);

- create new jobs;

- stimulate the growth of production and sales with the help of new competitive products.

The purpose of using innovative marketing tools is to attract additional resources for enterprise development by helping to identify and use common opportunities, address issues of technological renewal of production, ensure effective marketing activities, increase the competitiveness of products, goods and services.

Marketing research, analysis of market conditions allow you to reasonably determine what, how and in what timeframe to produce to get a high profit. The results of such studies are of great importance. They must be taken into account during the reconstruction of enterprises.

Marketing policy and marketing activities are the main, and technical policy, reconstruction and expansion of the enterprise, modernization of equipment - secondary. Both activities are subject to the socio-economic policy of the enterprise.

In order to implement innovations, it is necessary to clearly answer the question of determining the minimum requirements for production and quality of production at each new stage of enterprise development, accompanied by the reconstruction and increase of production capacity.

Marketing activities of enterprises using innovative tools include the following stages:

1) analysis of the domestic market of products of the relevant industry, including:

- market segmentation;

- identification of trends in production;

- analysis of product sales channels;

- consumer analysis;

- identification of promising market segments of products in this industry;

2) development of marketing strategy of the enterprise for the near future, part of which attention is paid to:

- substantiation of the main idea of ​​the project;

- consumer analysis and market segmentation;

- analysis of competitors and definition of competition policy;

- definition of the main goals of the enterprise and possible strategies for their achievement;

- product development and product concept;

- justification of the price of goods and pricing policy;

- the choice of methods of promoting the product on the market;

- analysis of sales channels [4].

From the above we can draw the following conclusions and suggestions:

1) the transition of enterprises to an innovative model of development should provide for systematic renewal of products and production;

2) for the introduction of innovations in production it is necessary as often as possible to carry out the reconstruction of enterprises, modernization of equipment;

3) the expediency of each reconstruction of the enterprise and modernization of equipment should be determined taking into account the results of marketing research, market analysis.

Thus, innovative aspects of marketing activities of enterprises play a key role in modern conditions of production development. They are not only an effective means of achieving the goals of the enterprise but also a powerful tool to stimulate their innovative development.

Taking into account the innovative aspects of marketing activities, creates additional opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, strengthens innovation, increases employment, wages, budget allocations at various levels, increases the stability and competitiveness of the economy as a whole.

Ключові слова

innovation; marketing; modernization; development; strategies; competitiveness


1. Lysenko, I. Support for the social entrepreneurship in the time of modern challenges: Ukrainian experience. Social Entrepreneurship – Innovation and Contemporary Challenges. 2021. Published by: Sandal Institute. ISBN 978-82-93329-14-5 e-book

2. Lysenko, I.; Stepenko, S.; Dyvnych, H. Indicators of Regional Innovation Clusters’ Effectiveness in the Higher Education System. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10(9), 245; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10090245 URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/10/9/245

3. Melnyk, P. Marketing activity in the food industry cluster / P.I. Melnyk, V.Yu. Zaika, I.V. Lysenko, O.O. Cherednikova // Visnyk of Chernihiv State Technological University. Series: Economic Sciences. – 2012. – № 1 (56). - C. 124-131.

4. Peter, F. Drucker Delivering Value to Customers, Quality Progress, 2002, 61 p. URL: https://www.academia.edu/32677662/Peter_F_Drucker_Delivering_Value_to_Customers

5. Porter, M. Competitive Advantage of Nations. – New York: Free Press, 1990 (2nd. ed. – New York: Free Press, 1998. – 896 p.