«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Vadim Zhadan, Valeria Teplytska


Due to conditions around the world associated with the corona virus pandemic, educational institutions have switched to distance learning. For teachers, the regular use of online technology as the main method of teaching is not only a challenge but also an opportunity to gain new experience.

Today, the world is a large flow of information. The best universities in the world teach many lectures and video courses of the best teachers. Platforms for free online courses are gaining popularity that are not inferior to university education (for example, such as Coursera, edX, Udacity, etc.). To put it mildly, anyone can become a student, but you need to motivate yourself in your studies. During the information flow, distance learning is increasingly addictive, as it allows modern students to receive quality education without hindrance and master their specialty at a distance, saving time on obtaining information and obtaining appropriate qualifications. One thing can be said, the problem of distance learning is relevant, and because improving and improving the effectiveness of distance learning for future professionals is especially important [5]. The advantages of distance learning using online technologies are:

1) Flexible schedule,

2) The ability to perform tasks at their own pace;

3) Distance learning promotes independence and self-organization;

4) Access to course materials 24/7, although the student can skip the online course, but later he will still be able to cope with the materials;

5) This is an innovative method of learning using additional electronic resources. This method is very suitable for students who are tired of the monotony of reading textbooks

6) It is easier for teachers to use interactive exercises, quizzes, tests, video and audio files in class;

7) The location of the student does not matter, because he always has the opportunity to contact the teacher.

8) The whole field of education has developed: many technologies and methods for online courses are borrowed from the modern business sphere.

On the other hand, this form of education is suitable for motivated students who focus on high knowledge results, and not just on getting points and taking courses. Therefore, the disadvantages and difficulties of modern distance learning must identify the following points:

- the lack of need to attend online classes has relaxed the student audience of especially less motivated students; 2) practical tasks seemed untimely, the intensification of educational activities took place at the end of the semester, and a small percentage of work were the same due to the impossibility of sufficient control; 3) despite modern online teaching technologies, teachers have not been prepared for this form of teaching on a regular basis.This is due to psychological (rapid development of new, always requires effort) social (not all teachers are provided with technical means for teaching) excessive (if there is an opportunity to teach in real life there is no need to learn additional online technologies) factors:

1) Very large workload of students and teachers;

2) The need to learn new tools and conduct the learning process simultaneously;

3) performance of huge amounts of educational tasks in a large number of disciplines in the conditions of adverse socio-political and psychophysiological influences (pandemic, anxiety, self-isolation, lack of necessary support, etc.) as well as in the conditions of educational experiment.

Since the difficulties were many intensified search for new strategies and rapid introduction of new technologies in the educational process, namely:

- Distance learning platforms of educational institutions were mastered and launched into the educational process;

- A large number of free educational and methodical selections were held by professional teachers-methodologists working in international methodological associations. Thanks to this, teachers were able to improve their professionalism and receive methodological assistance in the difficult situation of online teaching;

- Modern technologies of conducting online meetings and conferences in the field of modern business were borrowed. These technologies have received a great boost in development and popularity. These tools include video technologies Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout and others.The application of Google was used to develop test tasks for current and final control of knowledge.

The virtual learning environment of NTUU "KPI" is based mainly on the platform Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), which means "modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment". Both the student and the teacher can cooperate in this application. In Moodle such classification of use:

• free use;

• wide functionality;

• the possibility of organizing forums;

• joint work with documents of different students at the same time;

• wide opportunities for teachers to use the built-in tools for developing courses.

The advantages of distance learning are:

- flexibility, training students on a free schedule;

- the ability to keep in touch with students online;

- the opportunity to workin several universities simultaneously;

- use of various Internetr esources in preparation for classes;

- providing students with free access to various online training courses with further processing of the material;

- saving money for travel and time on the way to university.

Issues of distance learning technologies in the process of learning foreign languages were sporadically considered in the works of both Ukrainian and foreign scholars, including O.O Andreev, E.I Dmitrieva, VM Kukharenko, V.P Svyridyuk, N.V Mayer, K. Yu. Kozhukhov, E.S Polat, A.V Khutorsky, N. Hockley, andothers.

In our opinion, more attention should be paid to the use of information technology in the teaching process, learning English, in order to improve skills, better knowledge of the subject and higher results.

Ключові слова

innovative method; interactive method; distance learning; foreign language learning


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