«КРОК» Конференції, Міждисциплінарні дослідження науки ХХІ століття - 2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Daria Tsymyrenko, Viktoriia Rilyanova


Given the current processes of globalization, a key feature of the modern stage of world development is such a process as transnationalization. She represents a trend according to which many social tasks in modern conditions have to be solved with the help of institutions and tools that go beyond the individual nation-state, creating a pose within this framework, new decision-making and implementation centers. Processes globalization and transnationalization, going far beyond individual countries, create a continuous link between individual national economies, governments, peoples, social groups, etc. That is why, in this context, we are talking about the emergence of international multilevel communications that significantly affect the development of individual actors international relations.

The purpose of the study is to try to identify the place and role of modern information and communication technologies in the formation and development transnational processes in the modern world.

To achieve the purpose of the study, the following tasks are identified:

  • Analyze the features of development and dissemination of the process transnationalization and identify factors that contribute to such development;
  • Explore the concepts of "transnationalization of culture" and dependence this concept from communication (communication flows).

Communication technologies have long ceased to be something deep theoretical concept, they have become a means to an end, a means dissemination of information, which is the basis for the existence of modern information society. By resorting to any activity a person seeks to obtain as much as possible data about the chosen sphere, about the environment and its features existence and functioning. The source of timely receipt of such information and are communication channels and the wider they are and the more accessible for a person the more chances he has to achieve tasks in the future.

The concept of information technology was added to the element communication and emerged in the 1980s.

In a narrow sense, new information technologies are characterized availability of the World Wide Web, its services such as electronic mail, telecommunications, providing ample opportunities. Live communication is inseparable from information technology, so at the present stage of development hardware and software information, technology is called information and communication.

Combining information and communication technologies, designing them on transnational processes, it should be noted that the main task that facing their introduction is the adaptation of man to life in information society.

First, the introduction of ICT in modern global processes is essential accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social the experience of mankind from generation to generation.

Second, modern ICTs enable people to be more successful and fasted to adapt to the environment, to social change. It gives everyone has the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge today, in the era a prosperous information society.

The use of modern communication technologies is one of the most important and sustainable trends in world political and economic processes.

In the context of this issue, transnationalization can be seen as the process of expanding the international activities of industrial firms, banks, service companies, and their departure from the national borders of individual countries that leads to the growth of national companies into transnational ones.

Not only transnationalization is quite relevant today in politics or economics, an important place is occupied by transnationalization sphere of culture.

The very transnationalization of culture can be considered as:

  • The process of saturation of the space of national cultures with new value-meaning content, which corresponds to the integration tendencies of the modern world, which are aimed at qualitative socio-economic and geopolitical changes;
  • Formation of a new type of transnational culture as cultural stratum, gradually covering an increasing segment in national cultures and transforms their integrity;
  • A form of expanding the information and communication space of each culture through the creation of media spaces and cultural virtualization environments that include various types of audiovisual communication up to interactive interaction;
  • The process of strengthening the international exchange of cultural goods and services, consolidation of new forms of organization of cultural life, independent inclusion in the processes of interaction (without the mediation of state administrative structures) not only of national cultures, but also of cultures regions and communities, institutions and individual citizens, which intensifies international cultural life.

Thus, transnationalization is one of the basic characteristics globalization of culture as a process of integration of individual national cultures a single world culture based on the development of vehicles, economic relations, information technology and communication technologies.

It is also obvious that the process of transnationalization of culture accompanied by infrastructure development and expansion of institutions communications that provide the dynamics and density of cultural flows in the modern world. This allows not only to talk about self-organization information and communication space, but also to re-evaluate the value cultural and information policies pursued by individual government nation states.

Conclusions and prospects of research on this issue. So, modern global processes of transnationalization are highly dependent on the existence and functioning of communication channels, which are mostly concentrated in the hands of individual global "players" who are able to coordinate huge information flows. However, without such processes the concept "Transnationalization" loses all meaning. During the event research has found that the basic concept under study "Transnationalization" is only a derivative, but at the same time a guarantee the spread of global political, economic and socio-cultural processes in the modern world.

Prospects for further research are to monitor and determining the importance of using communication channels directly in transnational processes. Given the growing relevance of this question and the current rapid development and improvement of information and communication technologies is an opportunity to explore this questions in the future.

Ключові слова

globalization; information and communication technologies; transnationalization of culture


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